Smokr's Lounge

A not-for-non-profit-non-organisation

PLEASE BE AWARE - you are viewing a page on my old site! Come to the new site that has no popups or ads at  This site is no longer updated and is merely a pale mirror of the new home of Smokr's Lounge. If you click the 

button you will be directed to


Currently there are 303 pages inside Smokr's Lounge.

The Beginning:

It all started so long ago, it seems like the 80's. Gawd, I'm getting old.....Anyway, it all started way back a few less years ago than the Eighties. It was probably about 1994 when I first got a webpage on the internet. It was a perverted little slice of putrescence I to this day deny any connection with it. But eventually I started keeping things on the website as an archive, as at the time, a 4GB hard drive was a BIG DEAL and keeping a few megs of data online and safe from formats was very handy. I started keeping all kinds of pics and documents online and sharing with friends.

Soon, I had filled an entire account. I needed a second account. I set one up. Later, a third, then a fourth, then the fifth was with another hosting company altogether. 

By 2000, I had tons of free accounts, varying from 5 to 50 megs of storage. It got confusing. By dividing the accounts into different categories, such as keeping all the dope stuff on one account and all the vids on another and the music another and having the TFC site on another and the Pith Pot and Jokes site on another I was able to get rid of mass duplications and redundancies.

In 2002, I had Smokr's Lounge on Tripod, Zaltocleotl's TFC HQ on Angelfire, Duradan's Place on Homelinks, Xochi's Hut on ProHosting and The Pith Pot Geocities  all separated and cleaned up and on different servers across the country. I had room to spare on all the accounts. 

In 2004, I started accumulating them into a single site, and it became the current Smokr's Lounge here at 1&1 hosting.

There are still a lot of crosslinked pages and images, but I know where what kind of images are where and what pages are where, so for you visitors, cruising all 5 sites is seamless and unnoticed. For those of you who are LONG time visitors to many of the early pages, the same old pages are in the same old places, but you probably already knew that ;)

The current themes, background and many of the main, much used images are personally created. Some of the other images are modified from free or public domain images or donated by thier creators, in the public domain, or sent in by visitors.