Smokr's Lounge

A not-for-non-profit-non-organisation

PLEASE BE AWARE - you are viewing a page on my old site! Come to the new site that has no popups or ads at  This site is no longer updated and is merely a pale mirror of the new home of Smokr's Lounge. If you click the 
button you will be directed to

The origins of 420
Smokr's Smokin' Stuffz
Smokr's World Plan
lil 'bout Smokr
Darwin Award
Truly Disgusting Pics
Signs You've Grown Up
Signs of Idiocy
Sport Disasters Pics
State Mottos
Interactive Server
Legalize it
Coolness Test
Euphs for selflove
Your Fortune
Windows Tips
What Women Want
Top Ten Lists

"Roll, roll, roll a joint, pass it down the line, take a toke, inhale the smoke, now yer feelin' fine"

If you are sitting there, looking at a lot of text and some boxes, your computer and your internet connection SUCK.
If these eyes don't move, and the flying pair are a slideshow, and the rainbow lines in the header and all the giffs below only move once in a while, you have a shitty system and/or a really shitty internet connection.
If these eyes don't move, and the flying pair rarely move, as do the rainbow lines in the header and all the giffs below, and once in a while something flickers, you have a shitty system. If you have read this far and there are still no images, your internet connection BLOWS.

If these eyes rarely move, and the flying pair can't keep up with your cursor and move erratically, as do the rainbow lines in the header and all the giffs below,  you have a slow system. If some images are still loading when you read this far, your internet connection stinks.
If these eyes move, and the flying pair can't keep up with your cursor and move roughly, as do the rainbow lines in the header and all the giffs below, you have an okay system.
If these eyes move, and the flying pair keep up with your cursor and move smoothly, as do the rainbow lines in the header and all the giffs below, you have a great system.
If the images were all loaded and moving smoothly and the eyes were on top of your cursor by the time you had read "Roll, roll, roll a joint, pass it down the line, take a toke, inhale the smoke, now yer feelin' fine"  you have an excellent system and connection.

FYI, and just for the hell of it, this page now takes 1
013 seconds [18 minutes and 32 seconds] to download fully and play the .wav file, "Uh oh, dat wadnt a Marlboro!" on a typical 56K dialup modem! ahahahaahahaha!  Those of us on broadband have about a 40 second wait.


Mary Jane Myths
NuKlEaR  RoAcH
Smokr's Terms
Smokin Ettiquite
Some random realizations
























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The origins of 420 Smokr's Smokin' Stuffz Smokr's World Plan lil 'bout Smokr Darwin Award Truly Disgusting Pics Signs You've Grown Up Signs of Idiocy Sport Disasters Pics State Mottos Interactive Server TFC HQ Legalize it Coolness Test OBSCENE STORIES Cigs SUCK Euphs for selflove Your Fortune YOU KNOW YOU ARE wow.htm Windows Tips What Women Want Top Ten Lists