Smokr's Lounge

A not-for-non-profit-non-organisation

PLEASE BE AWARE - you are viewing a page on my old site! Come to the new site that has no popups or ads at or This site is no longer updated and is merely a pale mirror of the new home of Smokr's Lounge.

The origins of 420
Legalize it
Smolr-s Smokin' Stuffz
The Beginning
Complaints Department
Jokes and Fun
My Video Collection
Truly Disgusting Pics
Smokr's World Plan
Smokr Gets Political
lil 'bout Smokr



the last update was Friday, February 24, 2006 09:16 PM -0500  

Many of you have said it is difficult to find the new stuff, and asked if I could do something to make finding the updated stuff and changes easier, well, it can't get any easier than my telling you what and linking you to where, now can it??

Some of you have noticed that the update dates on the front page are usually more recent than the dates of the entries on this page......sometimes I slip in quietly and make little adjustments here or there and I don't feel they are worth mentioning.......and if I wanted you to know what I did, I would tell, here are the changes I have made I want you to know about..............


Now Smokr's Lounge, Zaltocleotl's Lair, The STEAMing Parody Site, Alan Borormir's Conspiracy Den, Larzak's 911 Lair, Smokr's Video Library and Duradan's Drive-In are all on one account! The good folks at 1&1 Hosting have the space, the bandwidth and the prices to allow it all to have a single home!

Now Smokr's Smokin' Guns! The definitive psychopathic, leftist, liberal site!
Been working on this site for weeks. Come see what I have learned concerning the New World Order, the loss of our liberties and the destruction of the Constitution.
Think the FBI would never say "The Constitution does not apply to U.S. citizens"? 

They have, and continue to do so. A massive archive of the things going on around us in the real world that are enough to convince most thinking human beings that things are not right with the world.

My Video Collection is now online.

Was uninstalling and reinstalling STEAMing when my mobo went " *BANG* hissssssssssssss" The place where I got it, a small shop called Compute, got me an identical replacement in three days. Well, the third day it was there 9am. So, I went ahead and got another 40G hdd and another 256megs of DDR PC2100.
Got it all installed and am back up. The great thing is, I kept all this on the old 20Gig which is now destined for the Dungeons and Dragons rig. Now I will be keeping the site updated with our game sessions! For those interested, I will put a new sub-web up on that system in the next few days with maps, images, game logs and stuffz!!! Watch here for new info!

The origins of 420 I FUCKING FOUND IT! ! ! ! ! !  I think...

Quotes page  added

Found ktrain again! He was like, dude, gimme you steam id and Ill admin ya, wassuP? Anyway, you can also find me on "    ktrain" on STEAMing TFC aside from my regular time spent at =AA= And be sure to see my Welcome to STEAMing page!

Welcome to Steam  pffffft, go figure.........

Immigration and other stuffz added to Smokr's World Plan in light of second 9/11 anniversary

more Truly Disgusting Pics and Euphamisms for Self Love

Added sections to Smokr's World Plan 

More added to the PITH POT

Added SIRS to Smokr's World Plan

~ added the Bill Clinton area to JOKES and FUN for 4th!

~ new stuff in TFC Headquarters

~ new GuestMap, geographic locator of visitors, go pin up your location! 

~ new stuff on JOKES and FUN for Aprils Fools Day

~ new stuff on Darwin Award

~ new stuff on Games

~ new stuff on TFC Client Commands, updated again.

~ new stuff on OBSCENE STORIES

February 10th ~ will no longer date every update. Oh yea, and I'm back on 98SE. I just like it more. It does everything I want and I know it well. XP is just too, I dunno, preppy seeming....BLEH

January 20th ~ Some new stuff on TFC Headquarters, expecially the changes at AlienArmada. Lots of things have happened, but they are still going strong. Due to some probs, the forums are down, and I will put the new addy up when they are ready. Thanks to Addy for putting them on his server, but our spamming has filled it up! LOL. 

January 1st ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Still hung over, so no updates, just a hey.

December 21st ~ The holidays reign as I put in overtime galore at work :)  Have a live webcast Tuesday night, you can call in and chat and maybe I can play ya something that fits da 50s 60s and 70s fomat :) Sorry, will be recorded and used for snipits and the station is, uhhhh, clean and proper local news and sports. ;)  Anyway, also on Christmas night from 6 pm Indiana, lol, to midnight. My xmas is all during the morning, its all over and everyone is split up by afternoon visiting spouses families and assorted other relatives. Damn, long winded. Just saw LoTR-TTT and am on an adrenaline HIGH as well  :)  YASES!  It is now my favorite movie of all time on its own, let alone TFoTR! I shall not rant about this here.

December 18th ~ Just got XPPro in and stable. WHEW. Didn't loose everyting. Got it all on disks anyway :)

December 13th ~ Just back from ST~Nemesis. Okay, I don't do reviews.  JUST GO SEE IT.

November 13th  Edited the polls to randomize better.  Added some new stuff over at  Zaltocleotls  Lair

November 1st:  Suddenly, the navigation buttons do not show the pages name text on them, so I went to text links. That suxs. Anyway, last couple updates added stuff to Smokr's Smokin' Stuff and Jokes and Fun

October 15th:  New neato retro games h e r e

October 7th:  Wow, have I been busy!  House needed a roof and I have been on overtime at the station for weeks as well. 

September 1st, 2002 Hmmm, THAT DAY is nearing. All kinds of hype at the radio station were I work. Going to have all kinds of stuff, including two NY fire fighters who, of course, were there. I will let you know who tomorrow. Anyway, new stuff about smokr, me added. More goodies at TFC Headquarters and more things on Smokr's Smokin' Stuff

August 27th  More new stuff at Jokes and Fun and at Zaltocleotl's TFC HQ

August 15th  TONS OF NEW STUFF on Jokes and Fun and in the PITH POT and the new page, Some random realizations

August 14th  New .cfgs are up at Zaltocleotl's TFC HQ

August 12th  Now you can learn your future, with Your Fortune

August 8th   More stuff on Jokes and Fun and more coming.......more stuff in the PITH POT and more things on TFC Headquarters     I made some changes to standard text format and to the color scheme. I added the 'NO AOL browser'  button on the right column, placed the Bravenet counter on the index page, smoked a doobie, wrote this and fucked around with Smokr's Smokin' Stuff  adding a couple new stoned and uploaded it all to the three separate servers the changes affected.

August 2nd  TONS OF NEW STUFF in the PITH POT

July 21st  Added a way to  test your bandwidth  My video card is going to pot, and not the good way!  I guess I need to get another. FPS in all games are down, sys resc are fine, running tasks are okay, just not getting the rates anymore. Guess its time for a new one.  

July 20th   Clan {666-THC} pages at Zaltocleotl's Lair redone, AGAIN.  I guess I have to find another clan to pick on, as most of the current members of Clan {666-THC} are pretty cool. Only one exception remains, and he is quite the LLAMA!  He now uses a key bound to "kill" when he is loosing a fight with me. WHAT A LOOSER, I expect he will be out of the clan soon anyway, as he seems only to play HW and he is never in a real match. 

July 19  The new World Trade Center page still has no new home, I have to find a site that will allow 43 megs of pics first. 

July 13  Well, more stuff on Jokes and Fun and in the PITH POT.

July 7   How was your 4th? Mine was a blur of activity and drugs. EXCELLENT !

July 4th !    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA! NO UPDATES, will be partying!

July1st   A few new things on Jokes and Fun  and Smokr's Smokin' Stuff, I exepect no updates until after the fourth.

June 29th    Moved the World Trade Center off of Smokr's Lounge, will let you know its new location when I can. 

June 27th  Thanks everyone who mailed about dad. He was a decorated WWII vet and was laid to rest in the Marion National Cemetary.

June 18th    Dad died today. Don't expect many updates in near future.

June 10th    Nothing new in the world round here, much. Dad is sicker, weather is getting hot and I am working way too much.

June 2nd     Put the new config and autoexec files up on Zaltocleotl's Lair, as well as the class configs for medic and demo. The other classes will be posted as I finish them.

May 5th  Sorry I have not updated for so long. I am working hard on the new book and lost my hard drive, again. Thankfully, I keep the book on the CDRW as I write. Anyway, got the site on local machine again, and making changes and additions. See new links on Favorite Links and more new stuff on Jokes and Fun.  Look for the new book in about six months. It is a Fantasy adventure novel, heavily based on D&D.

April 6th  So, over a hundred of ya thought there was some free porn waiting? lol, or you just wanted to see what I was up to.....hehehe.  Anyway, new stuff on Jokes and Fun

Easter Sunday, March 31st  HAPPY EASTER!  Heres a seasonal surprise from my demented mind. The entry page changed drastically, AGAIN, to allow faster loading and more accessibility to a wider range of browsers.  More additions to Jokes and Fun and the PITH POT.  All of the TFC commands done. Massive navigational changes......yes......again ! Easter Sunday, March 31st  HAPPY EASTER!  Heres a seasonal surprise from my demented mind. The entry page changed drastically, AGAIN, to allow faster loading and more accessibility to a wider range of browsers.  More additions to Jokes and Fun and the PITH POT.  All of the TFC commands done. Massive navigational changes......yes......again ! Easter Sunday, March 31st  HAPPY EASTER!  Heres a seasonal surprise from my demented mind. The entry page changed drastically, AGAIN, to allow faster loading and more accessibility to a wider range of browsers.  More additions to Jokes and Fun and the PITH POT.  All of the TFC commands done. Massive navigational changes......yes......again ! Easter Sunday, March 31st  HAPPY EASTER!  Heres a seasonal surprise from my demented mind. The entry page changed drastically, AGAIN, to allow faster loading and more accessibility to a wider range of browsers.  More additions to Jokes and Fun and the PITH POT.  All of the TFC commands done. Massive navigational changes......yes......again ! Easter Sunday, March 31st  HAPPY EASTER!  Heres a seasonal surprise from my demented mind. The entry page changed drastically, AGAIN, to allow faster loading and more accessibility to a wider range of browsers.  More additions to Jokes and Fun and the PITH POT.  All of the TFC commands done. Massive navigational changes......yes......again ! Easter Sunday, March 31st  HAPPY EASTER!  Heres a seasonal surprise from my demented mind. The entry page changed drastically, AGAIN, to allow faster loading and more accessibility to a wider range of browsers.  More additions to Jokes and Fun and the PITH POT.  All of the TFC commands done. Massive navigational changes......yes......again ! Jokes and Fun and the PITH POT.  All of the TFC commands done. Massive navigational changes......yes......again !

March 25th  HAPPY EASTER!  Heres a seasonal surprise from my demented mind.  More jokes in Jokes and Fun and in the PITH POT.  Some new polls on the right columns inside.  Other small changes around the place!

March 12th,    Tons of new Jokes and Fun and I  gots the new system purring along.  Windows XP Pro is soooooo smooth.  I can tell how much better it utilizes the dual processors.  All my apps are faster.  And the gaming is soo much cleaner.  I can get as many FPS with VertSync on with XP as I got with 98 with vertsync off and 400x600! Even making a page border change is as fast as any other change in the web folders.  It used to take almost two minutes, now, less than 20 seconds!  And OMFG,  the cable modem runs faster as well!  I have noticed an increase around 20 ms in PING!  WOOOOHOOOO!  Anyway, I also got the Bravenet stuff back.  Thanks to all the good people over at Bravenet again!  I really suggest you take advantage of their services too!  Hey, this is the longest Update I have done in a while.  Well, you can now read all about my new system here My new computer.  You can also read what it has to say here Smokr's Systems Thoughts!  

March 2nd, Well, at long last, the new system is up and running. The particulars will be posted on Smokr's Puter  soon, for now, lets just say, both processors are running smoothly.  As any return visitor can see, many changes have occurred on the site.  I expect more soon as Bravenet is down, and remains down. Probably another great web service gone.

February 25th, Well, the parts for the new computer are beginning to arrive.  I expect soon I will be rather busy, and the site will be on pause.  The new board, processors and video card are ready, looking for a good box and the right cables.

February 21st, Have redone many a link, and the navigation will again change, and now that Bravenet is offline, well, more changes soon.

February 12th, Made some small changes to the site navigation. Verified some links.

February 8th,  Had to remove songs from most pages, seems a lot of you still use dial up and want access, soooo........Uh oh, dat wasn't a Marlboro is  on Smokin Ettiquite and Cauze I Got High is on  Smokr's Terms  and  Smokr's Smokin' Stuff: Spent most of web time since B-day on Zaltocleotl's Lair,  the TFC and games site, where I did lots of stuff.

February 6th, More links on Favorite Links

January 24th, New stuff added to Jokes and Fun

January 20th, Changed the look of the poll and where it resides, as well as how its results page looks: Put a stronger leash on those guys in the Complaints Department, it is now harder to get to their offices and the door is mislabeled. Kinda funny how its always the same several usernames and browserIDs showing up......Anyway, now you can actually enter your complaints, kinda.  I still suggest no one do though.....

January 18th, New stuff added to Smokr's Smokin' Stuff: Seems I missed the 1,252,500th visitor this week: Rebuilt navigation structure and page-base defaults in Favorite Links

January 13th, Random poll set up on right side of screen along with the chat with me link, all from Bravenet, free.

January 11th, I had a talk with the folks in the Complaints Department and they understand that they cannot take someone forcefully into their offices and beat a complaint out of them.  Someone must FREELY choose to complain and enter their offices willingly: Placed new stuff on   Jokes and Fun: New stuff in Smokr's Smokin' Stuff

January 9th, removed the Welcome (second) page, and the index page now leads directly to the main page: MADE updates and changes to Zaltocleotls Lair, my TFC gaming personnas home pages: Additions make to Smokr's World Plan

January 8th, Damn! Had to reverify all the links on Favorite Links as well as other pages!

January 8th, OOPS! Yesterdays updates and additions overflowed the server account! AGAIN! @#$^*$#% Anyway, JOKES and FUN and some other stuff are now on a new account. whew, took hours and many joints, but it is all up and ready. I hope you people appreciate how much work this site is! You ungrateful bastards prolly dont give a fuck, do ya? eheheheh: The World Trade Center page is closed until I can reorganize all those pics and find the page a new home.

January 7th, new stuff in the PITH POT and JOKES and FUN and September 12

January 5th, new poll on SMOKRSLOUNGE: You can now read Smokr's Systems Thoughts! cause Smokr's Puter Speaks!

January 4th, Changes made to entry and welcome pages for speedier access to the private areas as well as the public areas of Smokr's Lounge and some just for fun: Changes made to Smokr's Lounge main page: All files now available on Jokes page, thanks DJ for letting me know

January 3rd, New jokes added and a facelift for Jokes: A general complaint added to the PITH POT

January 1st, 2002, My web pages are now Y2002K compliant.  I don't know what that means, but they are.


December 2000 updates archive

December 19th, New zernav buttons and functions on navigation menus: 

December 17th, just got off work, burned a bit and ended up replacing the redirect for Jokes and Fun: Also changed Jokes and Fun a bit and added some new ones that have come in. Don't forget to send anything you like, and if it is used, I'll let ya know.

December 16th, Added new pics to September 12th: Added new pics to Smokr's Smokin' Stuff: Files section uploaded again, hope it will stay this time: D&D area about to open, probably will require another web page all by itself, watch here.

December 12th, stopped putting the damn date on the updates:, navigation structure tested and it works: Almost every page is accessible from Jokes: sickpics removed, Truly Disgusting Pics now public: new Jokes added: Recent pic of me and more info added to smokr: desktop screen capture added to Smokr's Puter

December 6th, 2001 - Navigation structure completely reworked over the last several days, and updated to allow for cleaner redirections and searches: MetaTags updated on several pages:  IQ Tests made harder. 

December 5th, 2001 - Another old search listing found, and that page rebuilt to redirect to Smokr's Lounge:  More nominees added for the Darwin Award.

December 3rd, 2001 - More jokes added to JOKES page

December 1st, 2001 - Added new jokes to  JOKES page:  Changed the Complaints Departments redirection protocols: Changing nav structure.

NOTE: earlier update archives removed for space concerns.