Smokr's Lounge

A not-for-non-profit-non-organisation

PLEASE BE AWARE - you are viewing a page on my old site! Come to the new site that has no popups or ads at or This site is no longer updated and is merely a pale mirror of the new home of Smokr's Lounge.

The origins of 420
Legalize it
Smolr-s Smokin' Stuffz
The Beginning
Complaints Department
Jokes and Fun
My Video Collection
Truly Disgusting Pics
Smokr's World Plan
Smokr Gets Political
lil 'bout Smokr

Warning, if you are viewing this in less than 1024 x 768/ true color it is going to look like crap!
, I'm smokr and I like to think of my site as a cyber party !  So, welcome to the party !  Pull up a comfy chair, fire it up if ya gots one, pass it on and lets toke away.  Well, take a good look around, Smokrs Lounge is here for you to enjoy, whether you are a smoker or not. Most likely, someone you know thinks highly enough of you to send you here! I must thank them sometime, perhaps a seat of some local influence when,,,,,,,but I am getting ahead of things.  Anyway, there are some great Jokes and Fun, funny pictures and very useful information here.  I work very hard to prevent this site from being just another weed in the crop so to speak. I update several times a week!   I also go down the pipe a ways, making sure the links are cool.  Still, one will crop up now and again, and I will weed them out ASAP.  So, are ya into D&D, Sci-Fi or Fantasy?  STEAM, HalfLife  or TFC? Are you a smoker? Or a smokr?  lol  Looking for something odd, weird, bizarre, funny or, well, just plain sick?  Feel like taking a trip through the demented mind? Need a laugh or just lookin' for sumpin' cool?   If so,  you're in the right place!   So, fire in the hole, and let the trip begin!!   Anyway, check out this page, click on a link from the left, and have fun!  

Welcome to the page you help make. Submit your ideas, items and opinions!!

I   sure hope you gots the
broadband baby!

help me, all the words are HUGE, I need a smaller resolution version of this page!


The following  pages  contain and  include  links to  'MATURE'  images, thoughts, ideas and knowledge.
If  you   are  a WHINING,  LEFTIST,   FASCIST,   Rush Limbaugh  loving,  mind  control  freak,  then  use  your  back  button  on  your  browser,  NOW!  This is the last time I will be nice about it.  If you want to
complain, you had best leave! There is nothing illegal on my site.


It is now and the last update was 02/24/06

The last MAJOR update was
Hit Counter visitors ago.

Well, I did it again.  Thanks to all of you, we have filled yet another server account to overflowing.  Smokr's Lounge now sprawls across four web page server accounts!  Thanks to all of you who send in your goodies and such!   I have tried to keep the redirections to a minimum, placing like things on the same server.  I expect there will be some mistakes in the next few days, let me know where and what  and I will take care of it ASAP.

 THIS SITE IS BEST experienced when vieWED AT 1024 X 768  or higher RESOLUTION in at least high color AND WITH A NEWER BROWSER IN FULL SCREEN on broadband
help me, all the words are HUGE, I need a smaller resolution version of this page!

Add Smokr's Lounge to your Favorites

IF you are looking for THE PITH POT, your in the right place. Same guy, more pith.

Another warning though, I use many active elements on many of my pages.  I will be loading apps to your browser, changing your cursor and other, well, things.  NONE of it is harmful or malicious, just a lot of fun

I hope you have a little fun while you're
here, any ideas are greatly appreciated, and all complaints can be sent to my Complaints  Department.   

Remember, I warned ya, the following pages take a loong time to load if you dial up your internet connection, but man, it is soooo worth the wait